Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Regarding the OCLS mission statement, the part about connects our changing community to the evolving world of ideas, information and technology through continuous innovation< speak to me most. I think of a "library" in gerneral as a house of information or as a place from which information can be accessed. It is important for any public or academic library to continue to evolve in the manner in which information is stored, accessed and distributed to its users.

As for my vision for the library of the future, more technology, more classes, more "less traditional" library media offered to its patrons.

Now about the Google search for self, gratefully there was nothing found. I know that social networking, You Tube, etc are now commonplace, but I don't intend to jump on board. I prefer my privacy. I prefer to chose and control whom I share personal information and photos. I feel that the use of the networking is both impersonal and often dishonest. I do not condone what I see as self grandizing. I feel as though the pedulum is swinging too far in the wrong direction! Call me old school, but that's what works for me.

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