Friday, January 23, 2009

It's a scary world. Seems that danger lurks everywhere.

As for my malware experience, I try not to dwell on it. Two years ago, my son downloaded an attachment that had a spyware virus attached. Our home computer became infected and despite numerous attempts to eradicate it, our computer bit the dust. We have not replaced it. And to this day, we do not own a computer. My husband has been so disallusioned by the experience, that he vows to never buy a pc again. Perhaps, some day, a Mac...

Fortunately, we did not experience any phising attempts during this experience.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Ok, it's been crazy lately, but I'm trying to catch up and keep up this year!

I really enjoyed the LIFELONG LEARNING exercise! I explored all the suggested sites!
I have no intention of doing any serious college type learning at this juncture in my life. I have passed on the ecollege guide info to my kids.

The personal growth sites will be helpful. I intend to acquire a newer digital camera this spring and will be using the Nikon Photo School site!

Instructable and ehow will be visited often. I'm always curious about how things work, so HowStuffWorks and 5 Minute Lifeopedia are already a favorite. One of the first sets of books I purchased for my kids (before they could even talk - was a thre book set on how things work)! My son will love this site.

Gotta to move on to the next leason. So much to learn - so little time!


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